What is SQL Injection- Injection test and how to tackle it ?

SQL Injection
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Structured Query Language (SQL) is database computer language designed for managing data in relational database management system (RDBMS).SQL injection is code injection technique that exploits a security vulnerability occurring in database layer of applications. The vulnerability is present when users input is either filtered incorrectly for string literal escape characters embedded in SQL statement or user input is strongly typed and thereby unexpectedly executed .it is an instance of a more general class of vulnerabilities that can occur whenever one programming or scripting language is embedded inside another.SQL injection attacks are also known as SQL insertion attacks.

Attackers target the SQL server’s common database server used by many organizations to store confidential data. The prime objective behind SQL injection attack is to obtain the information while accessing database table that may contain personal information such as credit card number, social security number or password.

During SQL injection attack , Malicious code is inserted into web form field or a website’s code to make a system execute a command shell or other arbitrary command. Just as legitimate user enters queries and additions to the SQL database via a web form, the attackers can insert a command to SQL server through the same web form field. For example, an arbitrary command from an attacker might open a command prompt or display a table from the database .This makes an SQL server a high value target and therefore a system seems to be very attractive to attackers.

Many WebPages takes parameters from web user and make SQL query to the data base. For example, when a user logs in with username and password, an SQL query is send to the database to check if a user has valid name and password .With a SQL injection it is possible for an attacker to send a crafted username and/or password field that will change the SQL query.

Steps for SQL Injection Attack

Following are some steps for SQL injection attacks :

SQL Injection | cyberbuddy.co.in
SQL Injection

1. The attackers looks for the webpage that allows submitting data,that is,login page,search page,feedback,etc. The attacker also looks for the webpage that display HTML command such as POST or GET by checking the site’s source code.

2. To check the source code of any website , right click on web page and click on “ view source”. The attacker checks the source code of the HTML , and looks for “ FORM” tag in the HTML code. Everything between <FORM> and</FORM> have potential parameters that might be useful to find the vulnerabilities .
<FORM action=Search/search.asp method=post>
<input type=hidden name=Avalue=C>

3. The attacker inputs a single Quote under the textbox provided on webpage to accept the username and password. If the respone is an error message such as use”a”=”a”(or something similar)then the website is found to be susceptible to an SQL injection attack.

4. The attacker use SQL command such as SELECT  statement command to retrieve data from the database or INSERT statement to add information to the database.

Here are few examples of variable filed text the attacker uses on awebpage to test for SQL vulnerabilities

1.       Blah’ or 1=1--
      2.       Login: Blah’ or 1=1-- 
      3.       Password:: Blah’ or 1=1--
      4.       http://serach/index.asp?id+ Blah’ or1= 1—

Similar SQL commands may allow bypassing of a login and may return many rows in a table or  even entire database table because the SQL server is interpreting the term literally. The double dashes near the end of the command tell SQL to ignore the rest of the command as comment.
Example of SQL Injection | cyberbuddy.co.in
Example of SQL Injection 

Blind SQL Injection

Blind SQL Injection | cyberbuddy.co.in
Blind SQL Injection

Blind SQL injection is used when a web application is vulnerable to an SQL injection but the result of the injection are not visible to the attackers . The page with the vulnerabilities may  not be the one that display differently depending on the result of the logic statement injected into the legitimate SQL statement called for that page. This type of attack can become time-intensive because a new statement must be crafted for each bit recovered. These are several tools that can automate these attacks once the location of the vulnerability and the target information have been established.

SUMMARY :                                    
Using  SQL injection attacker can :

1. obtain some basic information if the purpose of the attack is reconnaissance
  • To get a directory  listing: Blah’ ; exec master..xp_cmdshell ”dir c:\*/s>c:\directory.txt”
  • To ping an IP address : Blah’ ;exec master..xp_cmdshell”ping “.
2. May gain acess to the database by obtaining username and their password
  • To get a user listing: SELECT*FROM user WHERE name=”OR ‘1’=’1’.”
3.Add new data to the database
  •  Execute the INSERT command:  This may enable selling politically incorrect items on an  E-Commerce website
4. Modify data currently in the database
  • Execute the UPDATE command; May be used to have an expensive item  suddenly be deeply “discounted.”

Tools used for SQL server penetration
Brief description
App Detective Pro: it is a network-based , discovery and vulnerability assessment scanner that discovers
database applications within the infrastructure and assesses security strength .it locates ,examines,
reports and fixes security holes and misconfiguration as well as identify user rights and privilege level  on
its security methodology and extensive knowledge.
                                                              based on applications –level vulnerabilities. Thus,
                                                                organizations can harden their database application.

DbProtect : It enables organization with complex , heterogeneous  environments to optimize database security , manage risks and bolster regulatory compliance. It integrates database assents management ,vulnerability management ,audit and threat management , policy management and reporting and analytic for complete enterprise solution.
Database Scanner : It is an integrated part of Internet Security System(ISS) Dynamic Threst Protection Platform that assesses online business risks by identifying security exposure in the database  application,.Database Scanner offers sercurity policy generation and reporting functionally which instantly measures policy complains e and automates the process os securing critical online business data. Database scanner runs independently and quickly generates detailed reports with all the information needed to correctly configure and secure the database. 

Microsoft SQ L Server Fingerprint(MSSQLFP):This is the tool that performs the fingerprint version on Microsoft SQL Sever 2000,2005 and 2008 using well known techniques based on several public tools that  identifies the SQL version and also can be used to identify vulnerable version of Microsoft SQL Server.

How to prevent SQL injection attacks:
Prevent SQLi attack | cyberbuddy.co.in
Prevent SQLi attack

SQL  injection attacks occurs due to poor website administration and coding . The following steps can be taken to prevent such kinds of attacks.


·         Replace all the single quotes(escape qoutes)to two single quotes.
·         Sanitize the input:user input needs to be checked and cleaned of any character or strings that could possibly used maliciously. For example , character sequence such as; , -- , select, insert and xp_ can be used to perform SQL injection attacks.
·         Numerical values must be checked while accepting a string value
·         Keep all the text boxes and form fields as short as possible to limit  the length of user input


SQL errors should not be displayed to outside users and to avoid this the developer should handle or configure the eroor reports very carefully. This error sometimes display full query pointing to the syntax error involved and the attackers can use it for further attacks.


  • The default system account for the SQL server2000 should never be used.
  • Isolates database server and web server . both should resides on different machines.
  • Most often the attackers may make use of different extendedstored procedures such as xp_cmdshell and xp_grantlogin in SQL injection attacks..In case such extended stored procedures are not used to have unused triggers stored procedures, user defined functions , etc then these should be moved to an isolated server.
  • These are minimum counter measures that can be implemented  to prevent SQL injection attacks .    


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